i spent many years doing a radio show for 3 hours on a thursday evening once a week.
kinda miss it...
kinda too lazy to be bothered to show up nowadays and i always hated the talking part.
i play tunes on my computer on random quite often.
once in a while i'll throw together some tracks as i'm randomly listening to stuff and upload em.
call it a mixtape. call it my mood for whenever it happens...
i'm doing this mostly for me; because well... i don't really care about you, and i also wouldn't mind a fresh random mix for my ipod instead of albums straight through all the time. and frankly shuffle just sucks; i skip three or four times usually before something comes on i'm in the mood to listen to when in shuffle mode.
pain in the ass? yes it is.
a lot of music? yes i do.
actually.... that's kinda what my radio show turned into years ago when i was doing it... a mixed tape for my car for the week; then i'd go to the radio station and make another one and so forth...
so yeah...
just frikken download some tracks or something...
a random Mix a la Ren. @ this time, right here, right now.
there will be more of these type of mixes to come...
and no! i'm not putting a track list here.
frikkin delete it if you don't like it. or just don't bother downloading it.
i don't care.
oh; and Bung still rules!!!!!!!!

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